Scholarship Fund
Diversity in background and in socio-economic position is very important at IST, and one of the main ways we have of achieving this is through Scholarship Assistance. Single contributions of any amount, a full single Scholarship of $5000 or an endowed Scholarship of $50,000 would be very gratefully received!! IST is a 501-c-3 “not-for-profit” so donations made directly to IST are tax-deductible.
In 2018/2019, IST awarded over $100,000 in financial aid to students
There are two ways of supporting Scholarships at IST.
Arizona Tax Credit
Your support qualifies for a dollar-for-dollar credit against your Arizona state taxes and is at no cost to you if :
- you pay Arizona taxes
- you provide your support before 15 April each year for the prior year (note – if you wish also to claim a federal deduction, you must provide the support by 31 December)
- you provide your support via a “School Tuition Organisation” (see below)
Individuals may claim a credit of up to $1135; married couples of up to $2269. You may recommend that your support go to :
- a general scholarship fund administered by the School Tuition Organisation
- a specific school‘s general scholarship fund (such as IST – our preferred recommendation)
- a specific student‘s scholarship
The Scholarship tax credit is additional to any other credits, including the credit available for supporting public school extra-curricular clubs.
If you provide your support 1 January – 14 April of each year, you can claim a credit on the previous year’s Arizona state taxes!! However, it would be too late for the previous year’s federal deduction.
How to Provide Support
There are three ways of providing Scholarship support which qualify for an Arizona tax credit :
Lump Sum – At any time during the year, you may provide your support as a lump sum. When you file your state tax return, your support will count against your liability even if you have already pre-paid your taxes such as through payroll deductions. If you do not owe any more, (for example, because you have paid your taxes in full through payroll deductions), you will then receive a refund.
- Please click here to provide your Scholarship support online. Any amount is helpful. Remember to recommend IST.
Regular (or monthly) Scholarship support -You may provide support manually, by automatic debits to your credit card or by automatic ACH withdrawals from your cheque account.
Payroll Withholding – Instead of waiting until December to provide qualifying Scholarship support, Arizona taxpayers may do so right out of their pay-cheques. Simply reduce your Arizona withholding and provide your support through your payroll processing of that amount. Contact your payroll provider.
Qualifying for an Arizona Tax Credit
Support must be given via a “School Tuition Organisation”, a 501-c-3 public charity, which receives the funds and issues you with the necessary receipts and forms to receive the Arizona tax credit. (You can also use these receipts to claim a federal deduction). The “School Tuition Organisation” then awards the Scholarships and ensures that state laws are followed.
IST principally works with Tucson’s Institute for Better Education, although we also work with several other “School Tuition Organisations” such as the Arizona Tuition connection.
Please check if your employer will match your support, thus doubling it! If you work for certain corportations such as Raytheon, Chase or Bank of America; among others; check with your HR department please contact IBE for information on how to claim the match and help a Tucson student attend IST.
- Please click here for answers to some Frequently Asked Questions
Arizona Tuition Connection
Institute for Better Education
Federal Charitable Donation Cheques can also be sent to:
International School of Tucson
1701 E Seneca St
Tucson, AZ 85719
(Cheques will not count toward Dollar for Dollar State Tax Credit)
Please contact us to discuss larger gift possibilities. We are especially interested in providing students with endowed Scholarships, that is a Scholarship which will stay with the student for the full period of thier Schooling. Thank you.
None of this is tax advice and, although we believe what we say to be correct, you should always consult your own tax specialist.

IST is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
EIN: 20-8882700
1701 East Seneca Street, Tucson AZ 85719 | Phone: (520) 406-0552
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