Good afternoon all!
It’s been a busy week around the school – lots of preparation for the expo (which looks much different this time around then it has in the past), Confucius day celebrations today, and wrapping up the first quarter in preparation for parent conferences and report cards.
We also honored “Hello Week” this week. We wore name tags on Monday, we wore green on Tuesday (to show support for the Sandy Hook Community and honor the lives lost to gun violence), we created our “Smile Walls” in the Preschool and Junior/Middle School sharing notes of kindness and actions that made us smile this week, we had a “Say Hey!” photo booth for the kids on Thursday, and today we encouraged students to reach out and meet someone new to make sure no one sits alone at lunch time.

Last week, artist and parent Jenny Knappenberger (mom of Presley, J3) came into the J3 Spanish class and created a project with them to celebrate the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month. They represented one of Frida Kahlo’s famous quotes “Pies para que los quiero si tengo alas para volar” by creating colorful wings. This also goes along with the book J3 is currently reading in English class. This project motivated other groups to create their own pair of wings. They will all be placed around the school so you can take pictures with them during the JS/MS “Open House”. See some photos below.

STEAM Building Update – still waiting on permits….Normally, private schools are permitted through the City of Tucson and the State Fire Marshal has jurisdiction over permits for traditional public schools and most charter schools. In this case, since we are on a TUSD site, the Fire Marshal reviews the plans instead of the City. We are hoping to have our approval in the next few weeks! `
STEAM learning is an interconnected approach to learning science, technology, engineeri ng, arts, and math. It seeks to take advantage of the similarities and interplay of skills and knowledge among these fields to weave together a rich and meaningful learning environment. Students identify ways that disciplines are interrelated, and how they reinforce and complement one another. STEAM learning is dedicated to engaging students to develop unique cognitive skills, habits of mind, and attitudes that benefit learners throughout their lives.
Some of the exciting new technology and features that will be going in to the building will include (but not limited to):
– state of the art science lab (including lab tables with gas and sinks)
– Touch screen, interactive white boards
– 3D printers
– Digital microscopes
– An aquaponic ecosystem
– Robotics technology
– Physics equipment (such as trebuchets and catapults)
And more! We are so excited to bring this to our IST students!
I hope you all enjoy your weekend!