Preschool Curriculum
Concepts learned in Preschool

At IST, our preschool programme is very unique. We offer full language immersion classrooms in Spanish, French, German, or Chinese. The curriculum in each language is inquiry based, developmentally appropriate, and child centered. Each classroom is set up in learning centers which foster academic, social, emotional, and physical development in small group settings.
In the block center: kids begin to understand math concepts (shapes, size, building structures, solving construction problems). They also learn to cooperate. Building blocks promote their language development and expand children’s play!
In the dramatic play center: Social emotional skills (negotiation, cooperation), imagination (recreate life experience), large and small motor skills (they put on clothes, button and unbutton), language and literacy skills (children are communicating, asking and answering questions).
In the math/manipulative center: Counting, classifying, patterns, small motor skill development, hand‐eye coordination, cognitive and problem solving skills.
In the science & discovery center: They develop their language and vocabulary by talking about their discoveries. They learn how to observe, collect information, make predictions, and experiment.
In the art center: Students are able to express their originality and individuality, work on fine motor skills, and develop language by talking about what they are doing. Kids use thinking skills to plan and organize in order to translate their ideas and feelings into art. They are given many materials to use regularly.

In the music and movement center: Children expand their vocabulary and language; strengthen their phonological awareness by singing rhyming songs and repetition. Reading (singing) story songs helps children to focus on a story. Songs encourage a child’s comprehension by using body movement to dramatize a story. Teachers provide musical instruments for creative self expression.
In the reading/library center: Students develop phonological and phonemic awareness: Phonological awareness includes the ability to separate sentences into words and words into syllables. Phonemic awareness is the ability to recognize that words are made up of a discrete set of sounds. (Activities include rhyming, finger plays, songs, clapping syllables, matching beginning sounds).The students also learn to make predictions, think about cause and effect, make connections between stories or between their lives and stories; retell stories, learn about sequence.
Toys and games are important, too! All of our activities encourage children to play actively. We use “open ended” toys (Legos, beads, pegs, wooden shapes), cooperative toys ( domino, matching games, card games, and board games). Toys and games also help develop social emotional skills when the children are learning to cooperate, share, and take turns.
Preschool Spanish

Through play and the use of specific materials, children are able to develop their maximum creativity, academic and oral course by developing the second language to which they are being exposed during the entire school day. During class, students are separated in to different learning centers. The most effective way for a preschooler child to learn is through active, hands on play. Materials in each center are carefully planned to help develop skills and meet the needs of the children in each class.
Preschool Chinese

In the Preschool Chinese class, the primary focus is on acquiring a strong foundation in the oral language and beginning mathematics. The children have fun learning Chinese through the use of short Chinese cartoons, children’s songs, storytelling and small group activities. For 3-4 year old children, we attach importance to simple dialogue and basic strokes of Chinese characters. For 4-5 year old children, they start learning to read and write common Chinese characters.
Preschool German

The German preschool class is a wonderful way to introduce your child to the German language. Children will be immersed in German and will be taught the basics of Math, Literacy, Science, Music and Art. The skills are taught through a hands-on approach by playing games and having fun. The German pre-school classroom is set up as a child-friendly environment, with many opportunities for the children to carry out independent exploration.
Preschool French

When you come to preschool French class you will be instructed in several areas. Block is where students improve their vocabulary by talking about their Art and develop their creativity. During Science students develop their thinking skills through discovery and research. In Math students learn about number concepts, measurement and making patterns.

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