All preschool, junior school, and middle school students are required to wear uniforms daily.
Please note that the uniform policy is strictly enforced in all 3 sectors.
New uniforms can be purchased through our uniform supplier, Garment Graphics, at www.garmentgraphics.net
You can also purchase used uniforms from the ISTPA. Please contact parents@istucson.org for more information.
- Uniform t-shirt with logo purchased from Garment Graphics.
- “Fire engine red” bottoms. Shorts, sweatpants, leggings, skirts, etc.
- Tennis shoes/sneakers. Must have closed toe and closed heel. Sandals and “crocs” are
not allowed. - Wide-brimmed sun hats are encouraged but not mandatory.
- Uniform sweatshirts and jackets are optional and may be purchased for the cooler months. Children may also wear white long sleeve shirts under their uniform t-shirts. Only uniform sweaters/sweatshirts will be allowed to be worn in the classroom.
Junior School
- Uniform polo shirt with logo purchased from Garment Graphics.
- Khaki bottoms
- Students may wear khaki pants, shorts or skirts of an appropriate length (knee length). No “cargo” style shorts/pants.
- Mainly black colored shoes. They can be dress shoes or sneakers/tennis shoes. They must have a closed toe and heel, no “high heels”, sandals, or “crocs”.
- Black or white socks. Children may wear red or black tights or leggings under their khaki skirts when the weather is cold.
- Uniform sweatshirts and jackets are optional and may be purchased for the cooler
months. Sweatshirt pullover “hoodies” are not allowed at all UNLESS they are IST/WOLVES. Jackets and sweaters that zip or button up will be allowed. Uniform shirts must be visible. - Children may also wear black/white/gray long sleeve shirts under their uniform polo shirts.
- Wide-brimmed sun hats are encouraged but not mandatory.
Middle School
- Uniform gray polo shirt with logo purchased from Garment Graphics.
- Navy uniform bottoms
- Students may wear navy pants, shorts or skirts of an appropriate length (knee length). No “cargo” style shorts/pants.
- Mainly black colored shoes. They can be dress shoes or sneakers/tennis shoes. They must have a closed toe and heel, no “high heels”, sandals, or “crocs”.
- Black, white, or navy socks. Students may wear navy or black tights or leggings under their khaki skirts when the weather is cold.
- Uniform sweatshirts and jackets are optional and may be purchased for the cooler months. Sweatshirt pullover “hoodies” are not allowed at all UNLESS they are IST/WOLVES. Jackets and sweaters that zip or button up will be allowed. Uniform shirts must be visible.
- Wide-brimmed sun hats are encouraged but not mandatory.

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