IST’s Annual International Day!
Date: Saturday March 2, 2024
Location: International School of Tucson: 1701 E Seneca St. Tucson, AZ 85719
Every year, IST hosts one of the best community events of the year – International Day!
International Day has been likened to a mini Tucson Meet Yourself – only better, according to several past guests. IST family, friends and teachers host country booths from around the world, offering guests the opportunity to learn about another country’s culture while sampling its unique cuisine.
Admission to International Day is free! There is no charge to come and enjoy the incredible line-up of performances which may include the Chinese Lion Dance, Las Aguilitas, Group Folklorico Miztontli, Odaiko Sonora, Tucson Highlanders, and more. Upon arrival, guests may purchase ticket vouchers used for the purchase of food, glitter tattoos, cultural craft, entertainments and other fun activities. We will also have passports and lanyards for sale. Once the passport is in hand, kids can go around to all the country booths and get their passports stamped at no charge.
International Day is open to the community, so please invite all of your friends and family to join us for this day of fun to celebrate our beautiful diverse community.

IST is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
EIN: 20-8882700
1701 East Seneca Street, Tucson AZ 85719 | Phone: (520) 406-0552
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