IST Gives Back
IST is committed to teaching our students the importance of global citizenship and philanthropy through service to our community and through donations to a diverse range of non-profit organizations such as:
- The Lions Club International Foundation (https://www.lionsclubs.org/en)
- IST student council has a long history of generosity through the hosting of food drives, sneaker drives, sock drives, school supplies drive and this year, 2022, they will support the Ronald McDonald House.
- IST hosts the Matsiko World Orphan Choir annually. 2022’s performers will be orphaned or at-risk children from Liberia, West Africa.
- Support of our local Jefferson Park neighborhood association to ensure community communication and cooperation. Our current project entails raising funds for the installation of speed bumps for community safety.
- Our playground is open to the local community, allowing all children to have a safe place to play.
- Donated $500 to Empire high school wrestling team in support of an IST alum.
Moussa Drame, one of our preschool French teachers, founded a few years back, a non profit organization to help physically disabled individuals in Ivory Coast. The name of the non-profit organization is “Bright Horizons of Nanan Traore and Ali Drame” M. Drame is originally from Ivory Coast and wanted to give back to his community in West Africa by gifting these individuals wheelchairs.
Every year, M. Drame collects donations and goes back to Ivory Coast for a few weeks to set up an event over the holiday season to offer his help and support. In 2022, the International School of Tucson community donated over $7000 for the organization. These donations came from generous families, staff members as well as events organized by the students such as the penny war, book sales and late nights. M. Drame also celebrated his 15th year anniversary at IST to which the organization received $3000 as a donation from the school.
We are delighted to know that our students, our teachers and community take action that has a significant impact on the people in need halfway across the world. This is what our international school stands for and we are so grateful for it.

IST is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
EIN: 20-8882700
1701 East Seneca Street, Tucson AZ 85719 | Phone: (520) 406-0552
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