Membership on the Board
The IST board of trustees is made up of a maximum of 15 individuals. The board seeks to maintain a balance of parent and community interests and expertise. In the case of community representation the board seeks a range of professional skills. In the case of parent representation on the board it additionally seeks to distribute representation to the full range of the school population, ie: pre-school, junior school, middle school, nursery school and languages. The International School of Tucson is a private non-profit entity. It is not part of any parent corporation, and as such is highly dependent upon a healthy student enrollment, tuition assistance, community support and fundraising. The excellence of the program and a healthy fiscal situation is critical to its sustainability.
Board Terms
The member term limit is four years. The term expires on the four year anniversary of the entry date.
Board Meetings
The Board meets the first Wednesday of each month. Special sessions may be called by the executive committee and subcommittees will have additional meetings.
Applying to the Board
Applications are taken throughout the year. Normally, all board candidate applications are reviewed at the annual meeting , at which time the board will vote to fill open seats, in accordance with its parameters for board profiles. The board may, with 14 days notice, review the applications on file and fill an empty seat during the year in accordance with the by-laws. If your are interested in serving on our Board of Trustees please email palma@istucson.org.
Parent Members
In addition to their professional expertise, parents serve the board with their unique perspective of the day-to-day operations affecting the children. The board prefers that a parent applicant have at least one year experience at the school, and have served on one or more volunteer committees.
Community Members
Community Members are sought from the business and academic communities. The board seeks members with backgrounds in fiduciary, fundraising, academic, and management.
Neighborhood Member
A single seat on the board is reserved for a representative of the contiguous neighborhood. IST is located within the Jefferson Park Neighborhood and is committed to maintaining an open communication with the neighbors. The neighborhood candidate utilizes the community candidate application.

IST is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
EIN: 20-8882700
1701 East Seneca Street, Tucson AZ 85719 | Phone: (520) 406-0552
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