December 1 Update
Coming back from Thanksgiving, it's always fun to see the kids' (especially our littlest ones) reactions to all of the decorations hung by our ISTPA holiday elves. A huge thank you to all who helped. As most of our decorations are "Christmas-y" we are looking for...
November 17 Update
This week, please help welcome Bill Davidson to the International School of Tucson as the new Director of Advancement. He is excited to be a member of the team and is looking forward to working with each of you. Bill comes to us from the UA where he served as...
November 11 Update
It was a beautiful week at IST! Pima County Health Department came out on Tuesday and vaccinated some of our students ages 5-11 and gave boosters to adults. Overall, they gave out over 150 vaccines!! A HUGE thank you to parents Lisa and Katie for volunteering and to...
November 4 Updates
It's been a busy time around IST and everyone seems to be having lots of fun! Last Friday the children (and adults!) were able to dress up in their Halloween costumes and then ISTPA put on an awesome parade. After the parade, IST Student Council put on an...
October 29th Update
Next week is November! How did that happen?!? On September 29th, the Middle School Chinese class invited two guests, Elizabeth and Eric, from Taiwan who came to Tucson to visit their family, . The couple runs a Youtube channel with 210 thousand...
October 7 Update
Dear all, Before we get to fall break - parent/teacher conferences are today (Thursday - Junior/Middle School) and tomorrow (Friday - whole school). Junior/Middle School report cards look different this year. Learn all about behavior management system and...
October 1st Update
Happy Friday! Another busy week at IST! The JS/MS open house last night was a success and on Wednesday the Middle School Chinese class had a famous Taiwanese "Youtuber" come to visit the class and do a segment on "kids reacting to Taiwanese snacks". The kids...
September 24 Update
Good afternoon all! It's been a busy week around the school - lots of preparation for the expo (which looks much different this time around then it has in the past), Confucius day celebrations today, and wrapping up the first quarter in preparation for parent...
September 17 Update
Dear All, First, a huge "thank you" to all of the parents who have been keeping their sick children home, monitoring symptoms, and testing when needed. We're all in this together and I appreciate the efforts of everyone in the community to keep everyone as safe as...
Weekly Review – 9-10-21
Dear IST Community, Rather than take up space in Mr. Sakhri's and Mrs. Aussprung's Notices and Announcements, I thought it might be better to publish here once per week. My goal with this is to update parents on weekly happenings at the school and also highlight...