Dear IST Community,
It’s been so nice to welcome families inside the building these past few weeks. Both Open
Houses were very well attended and we are all looking forward to the ISTPA’s Back to School Bash on Friday, 8/26. Hope to see you there!
Last week, Middle School students were given the option to learn the proper procedure for
raising and lowering the flag. In an effort to give the middle schoolers the possibility for some more
responsibility, a retired Tucson Police Officer came out to teach those students interested in the procedure. The MS students then created a schedule on their own to ensure it happens daily.

A peek into Srta. Medina’s Preschool Spanish classroom last week…

Students working on their fine motor, math, and Spanish skills with legos, cutting practice and coloring.

Dramatic Play (in this case, pretend play with baby dolls) and Music and Movement are major focal
points in our preschool curriculum. Both areas help the children build social emotional skills, imagination, language, and literacy skills.
Read more about our preschool curriculum here:
Hope you all have a joyous weekend!